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Synthetic Reality

What's a Ladder?

A real ladder is something other than what you see here... But in this case, a ladder is a listing of people who have battled on a specific 'ladder map' within the game. The ladder is sorted by their 'score'. The theory being to claw your way to the top of the list.

Ladder #1 - Evergreen PK Arena

Here are the high-scoring participants in the Evergreen PK Arena Tournament. To participate in this tournament, you need to connect to a server with the rule "Ladder=1." Any fighting you do on the PK Arena map of Evergreen while on that server will be reported to this ladder. This particular ladder won't accept scores from cheat or mod characters.

If you are wearing a guild uniform, your guild will also be listed as participating in the tournament (with its score being the sum of the scores of those wearing the uniform).

Inactive players (and guilds) are removed from the ladder after 45 days.

Top Players Active in Last 2 Days:
Top 1000 Players from last 45 days:
Note: No particular effort is being made to prevent cheating. I doubt I could stop you anyway, but please stop yourself, if you can.
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