Member-Created Logos

I'm starting this page a bit late in the game, so I apologize for not keeping better records... And I promise to be capricious about what I add to this page in general. Back to the Home Page.

Over the years, people occasionally notice my lack of artistic skills and try to help me out by sending me something amazing that they have drawn. I grow attached to my rude scribbles and generally find it hard to change something, even if the original was awful. And especially when I am already using the art generated by another member (who I fear would then be unhappy to see it get changed)

Ergo, my capricious-ness!

However, here is a small library of art, showing various evolutions. And my thanks to everyone who has spent time on this sort of thing. It's very flattering, thank you!


My Original Logo



The Logo Lotta Logo, by Chris Damask


The Gametweeka Logo