synSpace: Drone Runners -- Coding your own StarMaps

Hi, this is quick and dirty for now, sorry about that. Feel free to suggest improvements :-) The general idea is this page has resources for helping you learn to code starmaps for the game synSpace: Drone Runners (for android)
At present, the only resources are:
NOTE: The example is the starting tutorial and contains plot spoilers. It is also a work in progress. I recently split the api code out to a separate lua library ('lubrary') so your starMap doesn't need to include thousands of lines of boilerplate. I will try to keep this page pointed to the most up to date versions.

YOU WILL NEED: You shouldn't need to spend any money to do this, given you already had the mobile device, and yes, I probably charged you a couple bucks for the game itself. Note that I used to recommend using Google Drive. But now I prefer to just use any text editor and then drag the file to the mobile device using a USB cable. But you can actually use any android file storing service if you want your work in the cloud. Once you publish your starmap, people will get a copy as needed peer to peer from other players.

YOUR WORK FLOW: Note that you are on a server while playtesting your work, and other people can drop in and live fetch a copy from you, if they choose to do so. However, no one has access to your Source Text Files but you. The game only uses your Text File to import the initial copy into your device. Once you publish that, it is all peer to peer file transfer between players.
These 'live fetch copies' I alluded to above are not actually stored by the game and only exist in memory until the game is shut off. To make your test game a permanent published game you have to CLONE it (button on the map chooser panel). Thereafter it will appear 'forever' in your map chooser, and that of anyone else who plays it (they getting their copies peer to peer, but ultimately from your source copy). And 'forever' ends when you push the DELETE button :-) (which only deletes your in-game copy)

WHY SHOULD YOU DO THIS AND OTHER RANDOM STATEMENTS I know budding programmers and authors have a zillion free coding opportunities available to them today, so just add this one to the list. I think it occupies its own niche somewhere :-) And you will definitely need access to other educational sources anyway, such as the site. But while the starmap script is entirely lua based, you don't HAVE to do anything all that complicated if you don't want to. And, a starmap can have no lua at all, and still be fun. You just need lua if you want NPCs that can interact with the player.